Personal Skills Audit

Personal Skills Audit

After more than 13 years working in newspapers, advertising and marketing agencies and educational groups as an Art and Motion Design Director, I realized that I was becoming obsolete in my field by not having the opportunities I thought I deserved.

In 2019 my wife and I decided to move to another country to learn English. After a lot of research, we found out and decided to come to Ireland because the opportunities to work and study here are good.

As soon as I finished my English course, I saw that I had already achieved a goal, which was to learn a new language and that I needed to take greater flights. In that case, I decided to study Graphic Design in college. This would bring together two challenges: to take a university course in another language and open up my range of opportunities in the Design and Art Direction field.

All these experiences were necessary for me to improve my personal and professional skills. I believe that to be a good Graphic Designer, we must find a balance between personal and professional life, as this profession requires eternal studies. We need to travel, read, watch, play and a thousand other things to be good Designers. Our profession is thankless because we never find the end. We always need to discover new ways to be more creative.

Strengths & Opportunities

• Experience in Photoshop:

Photo Editing, Video Editing, Web Design, Typography, Image Manipulation, Digital Painting and Graphic Design.

• Experience in Illustrator

Logo Design, Illustration, Typography, Web Design, Packaging Design and Infographic Design.

• Knowledge of motion Design with Adobe Animated and After Effects:

GIF, Movie, Character Animation, Advertising film.

• Social Media:

Instagram: Reels, Posts and Stories;

Facebook: Stories, Posts, Banners, Cover;

Youtube: Cover, Thumbnails, Bumper ADS, Overlay ADS, Sponsored Cards, End Screens, Channel Art, Watermarks, Intro.

• Agency;

•Tech Companies;

• Publishing Companies;

• Brand Design Agency;

Weaknesses & Threats

• Hand drawing and Illustration;

• Typography weaknesses;

• Network deficiency;

• English;