Personal Development Plan & Reflections

Since I started graphic design college I have it very clear in my mind where I want to be. Therefore, my plans for achieving my goals are very well defined, of course, there will be changes along the way, and not everything will go as I want, but I am absolutely sure that I will get where I want.

Here I will talk a little about my dreams and ambitions and what I want to do to improve my work and my deficiencies in Graphic Design

1st Week Term 2:

In 2007 it was when I entered college for the first time, but this time I feel much more confident and prepared than at that time, despite feeling more tired due to the double journey (work and study), I am more satisfied with what I have done and what I’m learning from.

The 1st term wasn’t as cool as I thought it would be, I was lost, both because of the language and the responsibilities, and it took me a while to understand how MODDLE worked and how the college’s work was organized (deadline/deliveries/materials). So I decided to dedicate myself and focus on my weaknesses in the 2nd term.

Problem analysis:

In my first term, my most significant difficulty was in clearing my doubts mainly because my English was not good enough. This made me score below what I would like, so I analyzed my problems and put solutions into practice.

  • Low level of English to attend college;
  • Ashamed to speak in public and ask questions to teachers;

Action Plan:

  • Ashamed to speak in public and ask questions to teachers;
  • Low level of English to attend college;

2nd Week Term 2:

In the second week, I realized that I didn’t know how to draw like before, with the typography classes I realized that my skills as a draftsman were over and I saw that I had lost a lot of time without practising drawing, so I started to set a goal that every time I was without doing nothing would be drawing and in a way, this is helping me to have more control of my hands again. Another thing I did was revive a Udemy Academy course I had purchased some time ago.

Analyze the problem:

  • Not drawing like the old days;
  • Direct my idle time to study drawing;

Action plan:

  • I restarted a course that I had stopped;
  • I started drawing in my free time;

Photo by David Silva – My drawings made during this second week

Home of the site I’m redesigning for my work

3rd to 5th Week Term 2:

In the third to the fifth week, I studied more about typography and I loved it! Lauren brought us several examples of processes and some documentaries about the typography creation process, which made me fall in love with the area. I was very excited to begin the hands-on process of creating fonts. This was also the period in which we chose which typography we would use, my choices were Georgia, and Gotham and the non-Latin font I chose was the Japanese typography called Noto Sans.

It was also during this period that I couldn’t dedicate myself more to drawings, due to the amount of work and the little time I had to do them. However, in my work, I was able to develop a little more of my creative capacity and I reformulated the company’s website. It hasn’t aired yet, but I’ll leave it here as it is.

6th to now Week Term 2:

In these last few weeks, I managed to train my drawings more, but it was in the typography work that I dedicated myself, below I leave the works that I was most proud of having done in the matter. I was able, despite the short time and the rush, to complete the work in line with my expectations, not because of the technical capacity that still needs to be improved, but with the little time I had to do the work.

My typography

I was also able to create my first flip book:

First flipbook

I chose 4 letters to vectorize and create my name.

GIF with typography I created

Future plans:

Well, currently I’m making the most of where I’m working because although it’s not exactly what I want for my future, I’m free to propose and create new things. Where I currently work is me and another boy working in the graphics. It’s a job with a responsibility I’ve never had. I’m trying to pass on a little of what I know to the guy who works with me and at the same time work on my leadership skills.

My future plans are with an agency here in Ireland. I’m studying hard so that I can get into an advertising agency, and from there achieve bigger dreams… Like winning a Cannes who knows?

From the 2nd year, I will start researching and looking for a job at an advertising agency, for now, I am comfortable where I am. My goals for next year are:

  • Dedicate me to working in an advertising agency here in Ireland
  • Continue drawing and perfecting my drawing skills.
  • Increase my level of English and lose the shame of public speaking.
  • Back to the gym :P.

Thank you very much for your patience, Vivienne, and I hope to see you next year, with all these tasks completed!